1. What is staff mobility?
There is two kinds of staff mobility:
Staff Mobility for Teaching Assignments (STA)
Staff Mobility for Staff Training (STT)
2. Who can benefit from staff training mobility?
The academic and administrative staff of higher education institutions can participate in this activity to improve themselves and share experiences with their European colleagues.
3. What is the duration of staff mobility?
It is from two days to two months.
4. What are the requirements for application?
The staff who will participate in the Erasmus mobility program should work for a higher education institute.
5. Can I get a grant during the staff mobility?
The grant does not aim to meet all needs; it only aims to help the participant. Grant amounts are updated according to the Erasmus implementation handbook data of the project year.
6. What are the required documents for application?
Partnership agreement,
Application form,
Invitation letter,
Grant agreement,
Staff mobility agreement,
Acceptance Letter
A document about the payment of the grant
Documents about travel
EU Survey for staff
The document about a compelling reason
7. Is it possible to benefit from the mobility of higher education students and staff independently from the higher education institution I am affiliated with?
No. Higher education student and staff mobility activities can be utilized only through the higher education institutions that have students or staff.
8. Can I choose the country or higher education institution that I want to go to?
Within the scope of higher education student mobility and staff teaching mobility, only higher education institutions in which they are contracted can go to the partner higher education institutions abroad. However, if the institution you want to go to tends to agree, you can lead the agreement between the relevant institution and the institutions if you inform the ASBU International Office.
9. Who can help me with accommodation?
It is not the responsibility of our University or the National Agency to arrange accommodation for those who will benefit from the mobility of students and staff of higher education. However, by our office, students will be informed about where to stay and will share their experiences if any.